
Friday, 2 November 2012

Nightmare on Elma street

One Halloween my friends and I were going trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. Down the street from us was an old deserted house that everyone thought was haunted. My mother said, "Don't you dare go near that house!" Naturally, her warning made us even more curious. We went to the house and rang the bell. There was no answer. We tried the door. It was unlocked, so we entered the house. The door slammed behind us and...

The door goes smash and there was a dead old man and a dead hockey player. One was called Jason and one was called Freddy. They both hated each other but they always use to spook children and they would never ever go there. Luke and Benny and myself  weren’t scared until that door slammed shut and Luke disappeared into the dark mysterious house.

We walked further and further. It got darker and darker. It went quiet. Then all of a sudden - bang! All the doors opened and we ran like there was no tomorrow. We tried to open the door but one of my friends got dragged back by one of the demons and I cried out “Nnnnnoooo Luke!"

 I cried, "Why did he have to go? It’s not fair! Come and take me."
Luke's mum busted the door down with a kick and she found Luke passed out on the ground. The ambulance came and Luke recovered and we never entered the house again.
One year later, they took down the building and they made it into a baseball field and they all lived happily ever after.
By Brandon

1 comment:

Jay said...

This is a pretty exciting story Brandon. I like the way you have used short sentences to add tension to your writing. Maybe you could find an image to fit your writing.
Mrs B

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